Avengers Age of Ultron
Well... I don't even know how to describe this film.
It seems like only yesterday I was walking in to watch the first of the films that got me really into Marvel. Joss Whedon had a lot to live up to after his first Avengers instalment and you know he out did himself.
The effects were superb especially on Scarlet witches power the red tendrils coming from her fingers were daunting yet delicate. Whedon is definitely helped by his cast so we'll start from the top.
James Spader plays Ultron the villian and well there just aren't any words... Like at all! His voice (which they didn't alter by the way) is so menacing but calming at the same time. I liked how they still kept the jokes in to make it just a little bit lighthearted in between all of the horror that was happening. It was a strange mixture of innocence and evil that make this villian different. He just wants someone to share his vision and reminds me at times of a needy child looking for attention.
As always the likes of Robert Downey Jr, Chris Hemsworth and the other Avengers cast just made the film including the lesser known characters who this time played more of a role such as Jeremy Runner as Hawkeye.
Now this time Johansson couldn't do her own stunts due to her being pregnant but she still have an amazing performance. There was even a bit of romance between her and The Hulk which I thought was nice thing to add in amongst the chaos.
****mild spoilers****
Now normally I would avoid any spoilers but there is something I would like to say about the ending I won't ruin too much it's just the hulk does leave at the end and I really hope this means he will get a film of his own. Everyone else Ironman Thor Captain America all have their own franchises and I know there is a Hulk film but I would really love to see Mark Ruffalo I'm his own Marvel Universe film just saying.
Now I heard some people saying that you have to know the Marvel Universe.this is not true, yes there are new characters but as long as you have seen the other films in this franchise there is no reason not to understand what is going on. The new characters are all explained their origin etc. So why people are struggling I do not know!
I thought this was better than the first film. I am unsure (despite how good she was) why scarlet witch and quicksilver were included, I won't give any more spoilers but it was pretty pointless!
Ultron was an extremely good choice for a villian and I'm glad they got someone amazing to play him.
It is definitely worth a watch as long as you have seen the other films in the MCU.
I'm sure some the decisions will come to light in the next few films which I personally cannot wait for and I'm getting my hopes up so... Fingers crossed they do not disappoint.
This film is worth seeing in the cinema so you get the full effect of the film. Must see for any fan of the MCU and can't wait to see where they go next!
Despite this being one of the longer Marvel films at no point did I sit there thinking 'this film could of ended half hour ago' like I did with the likes of Wolf of Wall Street or Transformers. In fact I was sad when it ended because all I wanted to see was more of the Avengers.