Sunday, 8 May 2016

Was It Meant To Be Funny?

Daddy's Home - Film - 2015 

Dad vs. Step-Dad. 

The two clash in this comedy extravaganza... or they just crash and burn. 

Mark Wahlberg and Will Ferrell star in this (meant to be funny) family film about a dad and step-dad battling it out for Sara (the mother) and the children's affections. 

I will say that one thing I admired about this film, amongst all else, was the subject it chose. With divorce a very common event in our society, step-parents come along with this; being a step-parent is not always an easy task and this film does help highlight this for the whole family. 

If you have read my Sisters review you will see that I pointed out that the film was based upon the cheap laughs of the audience, this one is the same. Although it is a family film, so yes I wasn't expecting a huge amount when I walked into the cinema, I was expecting just a bit more from Will Ferrell especially. Having not seen Wahlberg in a comedy role before, he was interesting to watch however, I feel as though he pulled off his dad character well. 

Although I wouldn't say the film is bad per say. Just incredibly predictable and obvious jokes to go with. I feel as though these two could have been a bit more subtle and clever about their jokes and still keep it as a family film. 


It is maybe worth a watch when it becomes available to stream on Netflix etc. but for now I wouldn't be rushing out to buy this film. 

Another One?

Creed - Film - 2015 

Creed is the follow on from Rocky Balboa. It was almost ten years since we last saw Rocky on our screens. 

Creed follows the story of Apollo Creed's son (you will know this if you have seen the previous Rock films however, this is not necessary to watch Creed). 

Creed is about the trials and tribulations of Adonis Johnson - Adonis Creed - who is trying to make his name in the boxing world without the help of his father's name. He seeks out Rocky Balboa to help train him and bring him up to his fathers level. 

Although there are references to the previous Rocky films, such as Rocky and Apollo Creed's fights. You would not have had to have seen the previous films to watch Creed. I hadn't seen any since Rocky III and I still managed to follow the film without a problem. 

Although, this film is good in the way that the actors are good. The story is pretty average. What you would expect from a boxing film. They tend to follow the same formula, he trains, something happens and pulls him down, he gets back up to fight, the last fight of the film. 

Stallone is looking pretty good in his old age, plus he is meant to be a man of ill health in the film so he definitely looks the part. 

Despite, the predictability of the film, I did enjoy Creed. It was easy to sit back and watch. Didn't have to think too hard about the story to understand it or enjoy it. It was simply a film. 

No real twists and turns so to speak. It was interesting to learn more about Apollo Creed, and will admit made me want to watch the old Rocky films. 


This was your average boxing film made for a specific audience. Although I didn't mind the film it is definitely not one I would write home about. If you enjoy sporting films this is definitely for you. 


Firstly, I want to apologise for my absence. 

K.A. Editing has been taking up a lot of my time, as well as a lot of issues personally. 

But I am back to stay, K.A. Editing (please visit our website is thriving (with a new partner might I add) and everything is back on track. 

So, be prepared for reviews of your favourite films regularly and this time I won't stop! 

Once again, I want to apologise for my sudden absence. It won't happen again! 

Laughs? Not Here.

Sisters - Film - 2015

Sisters was meant to be the crowning moment for women in comedy. Comedies best two women Amy Poehler and Tina Fey joined forces to create this meant to be feel good film. 

Two words: Let Down. 

Both women are known for their clever wit, sharp jokes and overall hilarity. What did Sisters deliver, cheap jokes, boring story line and flat characters. 

I expected a lot from these two,  I generally try and avoid women comedians, I don't find what they think is funny, funny, at all. These two were different with their contributions to comedy such as 30 Rock and Parks and Recreation, both of which are thoroughly enjoyable. 

Sisters used every cliche joke in the book, you could see the joke from a mile away. 

There was no subtly or even thought that went into the film, just cheap laughs that they knew the audience would give. 

There was a practically non-existent story, which ended exactly how you would expect it to when you see the first five minutes of the film. 

Nothing surprising, shocking or even funny happened in this film. 


I have nothing good that I can say about this film. 

All there was, was cheap laughs for the audience; although this may be okay for some people, I expected a lot more from these two.