Saturday, 29 August 2015

Weekend Blues...

So.... my writing has ticked over the 35,000 word count mark now which I am extremely proud of myself for. I know I can always get better though so I have found that:

  • Reading other people's experiences is really helping .... I am not a confident person when it comes to my writing and I feel that I am alone .... but the truth is all of my fears and anxiety is exactly what other writers are feeling to. Scared that my writing isn't good enough, scared that no-one will like my book, scared of everyone knowing that it is me that has written the book. But do you know what from all of my research over the last few days, I am not alone in my fears and neither are you. It takes a lot of courage to be able to sit down and write what you think and feel and even greater courage to realise your dream. 
  • If you're meant to be a writer, writing should come easily to you. It should not be a case that you have to force yourself to sit and write, it should come out of you easily. Typing what you think and feel and reading over it later. It's not like homework in school where you have to have your parents sat looking over your shoulder, if you don't enjoy writing you shouldn't be a writer. Simple! 
  • Don't be afraid of other people's opinions. Many people live their lives caring about what other people think, scared to voice their opinion in case someone disagrees. Well who cares! Your opinion is what matters to you! I have never been one to follow the crowd in terms of the latest phone (I don't have an Iphone) or the latest music crazes (except maybe Taylor Swift but I liked her before she became the phenomenon she is now) so why should I care if the book I've written gets a bad review? I shouldn't. You shouldn't. 
So, there is a few words of wisdom for you. If you want to write, go into fashion or be an artist whatever your passion is don't let anyone hold you back. 

Hope your weekends are going well. Let me know who you like to read, who inspires you and even who holds you back :) 

Lots of love 
KA x

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