Saturday, 7 November 2015

The Last Witch Hunter - 2015 - Film 

Vin Diesel graces our screens again with his film "The Last Witch Hunter". The film is based around Kaulder who is cursed with immortality when he kills the Witch Queen. 800 years, 36 Dolans, and many powerful witches all gathered in one place later, he finally meets a girl that he doesn't mind spending time with and the Witch queen returns. Surprise! 

I thought this film was going to be similar the likes of Blade, Van Helsing those kind of ones where you have the badass, they're fighting bad guys and saving the world. Not so much. Kaulder was a badass but he barely fought. The witches were just normal people (at least 90% of them anyway) and very few were actually evil. You would imagine the film would have a lot of fight scenes, magic being thrown around and epic stand offs - but it didn't. The witches were normal humans with a 'talent'. You had the odd bad one but the amount of bad ones that we saw in the film I can count on one hand. Disappointment. 

Vin Diesel was our main immortal badass, he could fight I'll give him that but then we are used to seeing Vin Diesel in this role. Personally, his acting was stiff, he looked as though he had a wooden plank taped to his back and considering he was one of the producers he should have paid attention to the story! 

Michael Cain, Elijah Wood and Rose Leslie were all excellent supporting actors. I couldn't fault them. After her stint in Game of Thrones Rose Leslie showed some real promise in this film that I would like to see more of from her. 

The story contradicted itself more times than I could count. There were many 'Do you realise what you are saying?' moments. I know, I know I shouldn't expect an Oscar winning story but it was as if a child had written the story. Has anybody ever seen The Jimmy Fallon show, Kid Theatre? Yup that's what this was. The actual premise of the story could have been good, but it was executed poorly. 

The effects were okay. The witch queen was probably the most CGI'd of the lot and she looked good I will give them that. 

Overall, not Diesel's best show. They left off that there could potentially be a sequel. 


I call bullshit on at least half of the story. And Diesel's acting was not his best. I recommend watching but not paying to watch it. Maybe wait until it comes on Netflix because I guarantee it will. 

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