Saturday, 20 June 2015

Grey...A Story Of The Same

Grey... Fifty Shades written from Christian's perspective. 

Now don't get me wrong I was not expecting a huge amount from this book. I enjoyed the series based purely on the fact that it is a story of not so ordinary romance. I do not agree with those who view this series as domestic violence or anything like this. In fact in truth I don't see where that comes from. No matter what pain is caused to Ana physically it is consensual and I am fully aware that these relationships are real. It is a real lifestyle for some people. 

Grey is the same story of the first book but told from his point of view. You get to know the thought process of Christian which can be harsh at times. This is one is much better written than the previous three and you get to see into the depths of depravity that is Christian Grey. His thought processes are much darker than Ana's and you learn more about his childhood than you found out in previous trilogy. I will admit this book is much darker than previous but much to the contrary of other reviewers it is the same story. The best part about doing the same book but from another perspective is that you can see things such as when Ana goes to Georgia and when they are not together. This is the only reason why these books are worthwhile, the story remains unchanged as it should but you get to know Christian better as a character. 

Christian is a complex character that is not done justice with E.L James' writing. She talks of the greats Austen and Hardy in her books but hers do not hold a torch to that of their writing. Christian could be better developed if anothers hands. 

No matter how she writes this book would have been the same as the first book which is not necessarily a bad thing but it does not make for an interesting read. I am pleased that I did not pay full price for this book, I would have been sorely disappointed at full price. 

When this was announced I was half expecting a rip off just so she can make a bit more money from this cash cow and I was half right. I can't completely dismiss this book as I did enjoy it despite already having read the story several times I enjoyed the read. It was .... well intriguing. As I am not an expert on this lifestyle I can't comment on how reliable his thought processes actually are, are they what goes through the mind of a dom? Let's just say I hope she did her homework. 

There are things wrong with this book I have read better but I enjoy the story it is not an ordinary romance and despite there being a happy ending it comes about differently. I will admit it is a far-fetched story I mean a billionaire deflowers an innocent virgin? highly doubtful. I wish the books could be written better I think this fiction could be much better from a different writer. 

For the price this book was enjoyable I would read it again. Therefore, this book was not a total flop. Simply could have been better. 

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