Thursday, 25 June 2015

It's Just Another Dinosaur

Jurassic World - Film 

Now don't get me wrong I love the Jurassic park franchise and Jurassic world was no exception!

The dinosaurs looked unbelievably real especially their skin, especially at the end when you get treated to the sight of the T-Rex from previous movies which you can tell by the marks on the scales. 

The actors/actresses were very good...  The kids weren't the worst I've seen in films
BUT despite how much I love the films I cannot get my head around the concept anymore after the first time this happened they bred dinosaurs and one went ape shit why would you continue to keep trying it's an absolutely ridiculous concept and in this one when they genetically modify one why?!? Why in Gods name would you genetically modify a killing machine! 

Now looking past the concept this one was different than the others in that the park has been open for a few years now. Chris Pratt and his pack of raptors frankly they made my night! The fight at the end was absolutely epic and you actually got to see it this time.
BUT (a little rant) why do filmmakers see the need when something is cool is happening to show the humans running for their life if you're gonna make a film about dinosaurs show the freaking dinosaurs! (rant over)

I personally did not think this was Pratt's best performance but the film has a lot of enjoyable elements and there are some chuckle out loud moments.

This is definitely one of the better remakes I have seen in a long time but...  Change the story line!!!!

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