Friday, 25 September 2015

Making Yourself Known

So... up until a few months ago I was the girl you saw sat in the back classroom with her head down doing her work. I didn't really talk to many people and when I did I found myself wishing I wasn't. I didn't go out and socialise. I was happy to sit in the house, watch TV or read a book. 

I was pulled out of myself by two amazing girls at my job and they taught me that being people wasn't so bad. It could actually be fun... sometimes. I started to go out with them I even ventured into a club! When I know someone then I am a completely different person to when I meet a stranger. I am opinionated. I am loud. I am annoying beyond belief.  But when I meet someone new, I worry about everything. I worry about how I look. I worry about offending them or insulting something they like or are into. I get nervous. 

There was a time when on Saturday night I would be sat in front of my TV and missing out on all the drunken fun that alcohol brings. But not so much anymore. Since moving to Ireland I haven't had the chance to make new friends or go out and I find that I am truly missing it. I want to go out and see people. I want to be in a crowded pub listening to live music. And most of all I have the confidence to talk to people, online, in person or whatever way they will have me! 

I did a previous post about talking to people online and the awesomeness that Reddit is but now I want to focus on building the confidence and maybe possibly doing some networking.... 

Reddit was a good thing for me to use as it allowed me to talk to people online, this meant I didn't have to worry about how I looked, what I was wearing or any of that crap. I could sit back and let the conversation flow. There has been a few people that I speak to everyday and you know what they make my day just a little bit. I mean don't get me wrong I still love my friends from England and as soon as I am back there they are among the first people I will be seeing but.... the people I have met online allow me to talk to them without worrying. I can read what I want to say before I send it... avoiding the awkwardness of offending someone as I have no filter. I don't have to worry about them annoying me because well I wouldn't still be talking to them would I? 

So the point of this post was not for me to ramble on about me, the point of this post was to show you that even if you are a bit of an introvert there are ways around this, which I have learnt very recently will make it easier if you an aspiring writer, editor, actor even this applies to all! 


Networking is something no introvert enjoys doing. The mere thought of networking when I was in school would have made me have a panic attack. Who wants to stand in a room with a load of strangers and talk about yourself? When you don't even like doing either of those things as a separate task! But I hate to say this - introverts shut your ears - it is something any writer, editor or anyone looking to make a career has to do. 

Networking is not just going to events, networking is talking to people. Getting your name out there. Getting to know people in your chosen industry. (I took a super quick chocolate break to make myself feel better after all this talk of talking to people) Networking is possibly one of the best things I did for my blog, my writing, KAEditing and most of all my sanity. 

Since setting up a Twitter account; a Facebook page and Reddit I have tripled the amount of readers (you guys are awesome by the way). I have clients for KAEditing. And the best bit I have made new friends. I'm closer to realising my dream and I want all of you to be as well. So please find below some tips for all us introverts on networking and getting your name known (even if you don't want it to be) 

I cannot express how important this has been in changing my life. Two friends decided that I wasn't allowed to sit in my bubble world anymore and I had to get my butt moving. I didn't want to go to the pub after work, or go to the club on a Saturday night but because I loved them I did and it was the best decision I have ever made. The first club I went to was Popworld in Southampton and although the music is a bit naff, it's cool in that cheesy music kinda way. It was a good first club to go to. When it is busy there is still room to move. And once I got there (after having a bottle or two) I was actually having fun. I threw my inhibitions out the window and started dancing and having fun. Right now you may be thinking I would throw up in one of those places. I was in your place this time last year. I was hiding and wishing I wasn't. You ever have that feeling where you REALLY don't want to go out, so you make up some excuse not to go... and then it's an hour into the party and you are really beginning to feel left out and wished you had gone? Yup thought so I call it self-denial, you make up an excuse because the concept is foreign to you which then just makes you miserable. The worst part? You know you'll know regret it but you do it anyway! 

Socialising is not as bad as you think I promise! And it is a good way to start. Go get your best friends and let them loose with you, dress up, have a bottle and let yourself go. You never know you might find you liked it! 

Social Media 
As much as I don't want it to be true social media has been a Godsend to me and KAEditing. I was born in the 90's when we had dial up internet, tapes and the outside. Now what we have is Smartphones, charging stations in the middle of a field (I'll explain that later) and selfie sticks (this concept makes me feel physically sick). I hate social media and what it has done to the younger generation, no eleven year old should be on Facebook all day. They should be outside getting muddy and ruining their clothes! 

BUT and I am struggling to type this: it has helped me. Using social media helps you to get your name out there from behind a computer screen. You don't have to go out and talk to people you can sit in the comfort of your own home and send a few Tweets, make a few posts or send a few emails and voila your name is at the fingertips of thousands of people. 

Once you've mastered the art of social media and socialising it's time for events! 

Don't panic! Everything will be okay just breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth! 

Events are a great way to meet a wide range of people and not really know what you're looking for. An event may be attended by the best and brightest people in your selected career industry. They are there to help you. 

Research the best events in your area and go to as many as you can make. Get prepared to avoid awkward conversations at the event. Do your research. Have something ready to give out a CV, business card anything that will remind them of you. And most all DON'T PANIC! They are not as bad as your mind wants you to believe. If you are worried go to an event that isn't as professional maybe a lecture, something to ease you into it. That way you can get your feet wet before jumping in. 

Be Confident
This may seem slightly silly to many people but you know what, I know what lack of confidence can do to someone and it is something that some people need help with. Being confident isn't always easy for someone. Some people struggle to get themselves to talk to strangers afraid of what they will say. Afraid of rejection even. But you can't be. I know it is such a cliche thing, but the worst they can do is say no, or not talk to you afterwards. Fear is literally your worst enemy. 

The only thing that is holding you back is you. You are the one who decides not to go. You are the one who decides not to talk. Confidence is all in your head. You see the joker of the class and think how can he do that? How can he make a fool of himself? Well you know that wall you hit every time you try to talk to someone? Well that was put there by you; only you can take it down! 

I really hope these few things will help, I know that it seems obvious but sometimes you need to see it to believe it. 

If I can change.... so can you! 


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