Friday, 18 September 2015

Not Just Another Zombie Movie

World War Z - Film - 2013

Now I normally despise zombie films. They don't make any sense, they are all the same and they are dull. I don't find zombies scary or creepy so I didn't go into World War Z expecting much. I was wrong! 

I watched this film as suggested by my partner, we were looking for a film and he said this one was good. I was sceptical as it is a zombie film but thought what the Hell give it a go; I am so glad I did. 

Brad Pitt is the kind of actor that is a little wishy washy, sometimes he is amazing others not so great. This time he was excellent. He was a strong lead in the film and carried the story well. The zombie breakout happened within the first half hour of the film which I thought was awesome, I mean when does that happen normally you get ages of just the introduction. I think this was done because the film itself was only 116 minutes so they couldn't afford to spend time waffling on about humans. The film sees Gerry Lane (Brad Pitt) an ex employee of the UN travel the world to find a cure for the zombie outbreak. You see how quickly the 'virus' spreads and what happens to people after they get infected. There were a few jumpy moments but it is not a scary film. The zombies are a little creepy and reminded me A LOT of The Last of Us and the clickers. The noises and movements they made were extremely similar to Clickers. 

I wasn't a huge fan of the supporting actors such as Karin Lane (Mireille Enos) his wife, I just didn't feel like they added much to the story. They were there because they were his motivation that was the extent of their role however. 

There isn't a lot you can change in terms of the story for a zombie film, the virus breaks out, several million people get infected, a cure is found. That is the general structure and this one did not deviate except the 'cure' was an interesting twist in the normal zombie genre. I will not ruin it for those who have not seen the film but it is not your everyday zombie cure and it is actually very clever which was refreshing. 

It was probably the best zombie film I have ever seen (which I do admit is not saying much) but it was enjoyable. It is not one I would consider buying DVD but maybe one I would watch again if I with someone who hadn't seen it. 

Definitely worth watching...even if you don't enjoy zombie films. 


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