Tuesday, 15 September 2015

New Friends

So, I have been unemployed and living in Ireland for just over a month now and as much as I love Sean I need more people to talk to! 

After having a scour of the internet I found Reddit. Now obviously I had heard of Reddit before, I knew what it was but I had never looked properly at it... was I missing out! 

Reddit is literally the home of the internet it's like the hub in a game everything you can possibly think of it on there. I now have a few chat buddies I'm talking to online and there is some really useful threads on there such as /r/writingprompts. This thread gives a topic and you write about sounds simple right? Well yes it is simple but it is really helpful when you are having a writers block. It is something you can do to clear your mind, forget about the novel you are writing and focus your energy on something small and new for a few minutes. For an accomplished writer it probably wouldn't take more than few minutes, but because you are thinking of something else even if it is only for a small amount of time it allows your brain to relax, your creative thoughts flow and your fingers to fly over the keyboard. 

I will admit I am having a small amount of writer's block at the moment which is extremely unusual for me and what is helping is writing this blog post. I can relax and let my fingers take over. 

There are many other things that people do to try and alleviate writer's block:

  • Go for a walk 
  • Read another book 
  • Watch a TV program 
  • Walk around the house 
  • Brainstorming 
Writer's block can be solved by stepping away from your problem, it's like when you are looking for something and you can't find it, it's only when you're not looking for it you find it. 

The creativity and ideas are in that wonderful writer's brain of yours you just have to let the juices flow! Share your thoughts on writer's block in the comments I know it is something every writer has had to deal with at least once.   

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